3 Signs Your Operations Could Benefit From A Spiral Elevator Conveyor

If you find that the only place left for your business to grow is up, then a spiral elevator conveyor is just the type of conveyor you need. Moving your product up and down is just one of the things a spiral conveyor is good for, though. Here are a few signs that your operations could benefit from this multi-functional elevator.

You’re Tight On Floor Space

The first and most obvious reason you should invest in the spiral elevator conveyor is to help you save space. This specific type of conveyor is perfect for handling any product, no matter how delicate. There is no pressure applied at any point, so feel free to send even your most fragile materials up and away.

You Need A Conveyor With Many Applications

The spiral conveyor is ideal not just for elevating your products, but also cooling and curing them. If materials have a time delay before they can be moved to the next part in the process, the spiral elevator can give you that time. Many people eliminate separate coolers or dryers from their operation because of how efficient the spiral conveyor is when combined with these applications. You’ll save space, and money, in more ways than one.

You Need To Elevate Products Quickly

With speeds up to 250 fpm (76.2 mpm), the OutRunner Spiral Elevator will distribute your products efficiently without sacrificing gentleness. You also don’t have to worry about having a product range that is too broad — the design of this spiral conveyor evenly distributes the load amongst each tier, meaning you aren’t limited to which speed or incline setting you can use for each unique load.

If you’re in need of a solution to streamline your operation, you may need a spiral elevator conveyor. Start your estimate now.