Giving Back - Span Tech Conveyors

Giving Back

We strive to do everything in our power to better develop the strongest relationships possible within our community.


From education to helping develop jobs in the work force. We are committed to ensuring that the future of our community looks brighter than ever.


We want to help young minds develop into the leaders of tomorrow and we have been committed to doing so since day one. Continue reading below to see some of what we have been a part of and for future involvement within our ever growing community.





Boys & Girls Club

To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.


The Barren River Animal Welfare Association is a partnership of caring community members providing a safe haven for homeless companion animals.

Orchestra Kentucky Bowling Green

Orchestra Kentucky was founded in the summer of 2000 with no funds and just a vision of two friends, Jeff Reed and Mike Thurman.

Community Involvement

Helping to build a better community

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